Tuesday 12 May 2015

BK Jewellers BK Malik

BK Jewellers BK Malik

Bk jewellers bk malik has fabulous collection of jewelery.Jewelleryhttps://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=jewellery makes people smile . The scope of jewellery is unlimited, these days people want best jewellery that make them feel unique and different, that describe their personality, that describe their way of thinking. A unique piece tells a lot. 

bk jewellers bk malik has everything start from a simple 1gm earrings to heavy necklaces. 

Wednesday 6 May 2015

BK Jewellers BK Malik

BK Jewellers BK Malik

Bk jewellers bk malikhttp://bkjewellersbkmalik.blogspot.in/2015/05/bk-jewellers-bk-malik_5.html has a  huge collection of jewellery. We use gems and stones in it.Jewellery is a part and parcel of our daily life. To adore onself with jewellery ,has been consistent across space and time , across cultures, religion, class and gender.It ranks somewhere among social needs and esteem needs .It is an agent of personality . For example, it is considered as december born person develop a liking for turquoise. Every person is different and must stand out of herd.With jewellery it is possible, every jewel possess unique feature or characterstic .It is universally coveted as it must posees unique value.They do have vital significance in our lives. It has memories and emotions attached to it

Tuesday 5 May 2015

BK Jewellers BK Malik

BK Jewellers BK Malik

Bk jewellers bk malik has wide range of jewellery. All metals have different significance .Silver is known as metal of moon , platinum is known as a symbol of perfect circle. Silver has  power over the emotions , power, love and healing of the wearer. It help sheding off negativity by  warding off evil things  and reflecting light from both the sun and moon. It is durable and melleable enough so it is used for making jewellery .Many women love silver jewellery as it is cheaper as compared to gold,silver and platinum and save us from pessimism ,apart from being beautiful .


Saturday 2 May 2015

BK Jewellers BK Malik

BK Jewellers BK Malik

Jewellery is available for different parts of body, neck, feet etc. Jewellery can be hand crafted, antique, bead jewellery, it can be bridal, lac, silver, golden , meenakari etc. It is designed to give a stylish look with the attire. The tradition to wear jewellery is many civilisations old. Jewellery is made up of  superior metals and excellent metals . Jewellery can be hand crafted, with the beads attached to it. Many people wear  rings , that control their anger, other wear those pieces of jewellery that give them ability to remain calm and patient. It has its own significance ,depends on its use..

For more reference:

Friday 1 May 2015

BK Jewellers BK Malik

BK Jewellers BK Malik

Bk jewellers bk malik has wide collection of jewelleryLadies loving jewellery may also have something to do with the fact that every piece they own carries a sentimental value, regardless of how much its actual price is worth. Women have love towards bracelets, earrings , necklaces etc. They associate the jewellery with the special things that happen in their life. They have their sentiments attached with the jewellery. They keep the jewellery with them , throughout their life. When they are attached to their daughters, they gift them their jewellery. Jewellery means alot to women, More than mere a piece of art to beautify them and to make them look more elegant.

For more refernce:
